Friday, July 30, 2010

I need your input!

Hey folks...

I still have a bunch of footage from the bass and piano recording sessions that I need to edit, but I have some decisions coming up that I'd love your input on.

Because they're running a promotion (and do good work), I think I'm going to use Diskmakers for the replication of the CD. I'm leaning towards the 4 panel digipak. (You can view it here if you're a nerd like me and into such things.) Budget wise, this makes total sense. I've also noticed that, personally, the way I experience a CD has evolved, and I no longer sit down with the lyrics like I used to. I dump it right into my iPod or pop it it the car stereo. Because of all these things, I'm leaning towards having the lyrics available online, but not printed on the packaging itself. (If I were to print it on the packaging, I'd need a bigger digipak and the cost would jump).

So, the question is: How important is it that the lyrics are on the packaging? I've made a poll in the sidebar.

(Bonus: here's a video of my hilarious bass player telling a hilarious story. I posted it on my normal blog today, too.)

1 comment:

  1. I can live without the lyrics on the jacket.
    It would be good to get a jacket finish that you can easily write on so you can autograph the jacket and not just the CD.
