Monday, August 2, 2010

Hooray for Graphic Design

Dear top secret blog readers (a.k.a. album supporters),

I am so excited about the graphic design for the album! Thanks so much to those of you who voted on the poll about album lyrics. I met with Abby Getman today, and the album art is going to be fantastic! (I do plan to keep some things a surprise, but with Kamikaze Love as the title, we're envisioning a World War II  direction as far as fonts and graphics.)

The front of the album is going to be one of Abby's awesome illustrations, but I will have a picture of me somewhere on the album (probably the back). Here are the two finalists, taken by Markus Kleinen in Alexandria, VA:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would go with the full length street scene on the left.
    Are you going to have album art posters made?

  3. They both look great, Kate! I love the shot on Old Town's streets, but the one w/ the umbrella is just.. simply beautiful (and kind o' makes you wonder what you're lookin' @ or thinkin' about ;))

  4. Thanks guys! I think the graphic design will dictate which one we use. Either way, they'll both end up on my site once it's revamped, too :)

  5. The umbrella would have been great for the alternative universe album entitled Why It's Blue

  6. @Kate: Sweeeeeeeeet! :D

    @ZephyrProcess: I kind o' thought that too :)
