Monday, September 13, 2010

A proposition...

Dear Kate's body,

First off, let me say I'm really sorry about the sleep thing. I really meant to get you some of that on Saturday night, but then I ended up inviting some friends to come to Chattanooga with me for a gig, and well, you know... road trip. And THEN I meant to rest yesterday, but I had a crazy amount of consulting work to do. I've been so busy, in fact, that both of my blogs are way neglected.

Here's my proposition.

I give you:
-At least 8 hours of sleep for 4 out of the next 5 days
-Lots of vegetables
-A crapload of vitamins
-Laura's suggested concoction of: 1 cup black tea, lemon juice, 2T honey and a shot of whiskey (she swears it works!)
-No long drives for a little while

and you:
-Postpone getting sick until next Tuesday, since I fly to Boston to record vocals for the album this weekend.

Heck, I'll even get you a massage. Well, ok, that's for both of us.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds reasonable...How's that working for you? :)
    Stay well.
