Tuesday, August 24, 2010

...Back in Nashville

Dear Diary,

I mean BLOG! Dear BLOG! I was totally not about to write diary-worthy secrets concerning boys and how my teacher gives way too much homework. I would never...

Anyway, I got back to Nashville a little over a week ago. Brian (the fabulous guitar player/producer from all those video blogs) and I both definitely needed a little recovery time, but we checked in last night, and I have comfortably returned to obsessing-over-the-album mode.

Confession: It's really hard to be be away from Boston, and working on the album from afar, but I'll be back up there in a few weeks, and I'm working on midi parts and arranging harmonies from down here. In fact, today's multimedia portion of the blog is all about midi! (Note: These audio clips have no vocals and may be of absolutely no interest to you.)

Here's a sample of "Why It's Blue" - still in its rough form, and no vocals yet, but you can tell it's going to be cool. Pardon the audio quality here, I dumped it into Garageband to make a short clip:

Now, here it is with a midi part I added (just a rough version. Consider this a first draft.):

Fun, huh? I heart technology.


  1. Still waiting to hear some vocals..(toe-tap)
    I heart songs with lyrics :)

  2. Thanks for sharing the "rough drafts". Unlike sausage, I think we'll find the album that much more enjoyable after seeing what's gone into making it. Or maybe I'm just a geek. Either way, I think it's cool!

  3. Ha! Thanks guys! (And Terry, you'll get to hear songs with words at the Texas concert soon enough!)

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Kate! I just had a chance to check out these bits! :D SOOOOO excited for your album! :D
