Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Tom's gorgeous piano. Sigh.
So week 2 is over! As of now we have the "basics" done for 9 tracks (that's the band, plus the piano parts, which I recorded on a gorgeous piano at Tom Eaton's studio this weekend). I have video footage of this stuff, which I plan to edit and post soon.

Thanks for voting on the title! Kamikaze Love was my favorite, too, and is now the official title of the album. I'm meeting with an amazing designer, Abby Getman, next week to go over ideas for the cover. You can see some of her work here:

Abby's Photostream

Let's see... what else?

Oh, I'm totally sick. As it turns out, working into the wee hours for days at a time is bad for you. Luckily, I'm already feeling better and still have over a week until we do my vocals. Also, I'm doing a CD fundraiser house concert in Durham, NH this weekend. If you're in the Northeast, and want to attend, send me an email at kate AT kateklim DOT com.

Alright... videos and more interesting posts than this one up soon. Promise :)



  1. There is a day left,the vote is only 14 to 7, and you are already claiming victory for "Kamikazi Love" as the album title????

  2. Indeed. Plus, that was my favorite :)

  3. Nope! You're only allowed to vote once (which I did). The people have spoken!
